Family Sleep Coaching

A sleep coach serves as a supportive resource to guide your family through the complexities of childhood sleep.
  • Education and Empowerment: Coaches educate parents on understanding their child's sleep needs and behaviors, empowering them with the knowledge and confidence to foster independent sleep skills. This includes teaching parents how to recognize sleep cues, manage sleep regressions, and promote consistency in sleep routines.
  • Empathetic Support: Provide emotional support and reassurance to parents, acknowledging the challenges of sleep deprivation and offering strategies to manage parental stress related to sleep issues.
  • Long-Term Sleep Sustainability: Aims to equip families with sustainable strategies that promote healthy sleep habits for the child in the long term, setting the foundation for a lifetime of good sleep health.
"It's never too late. Engaging Anna was the best decision I could've made for my and my whole family. She was able to rest and I finally got some sleep!"
-Mother & Client

Meet Anna, your Sleep Coach

When my children were born, I initially resigned myself to sleepless nights until they were grown. However, I soon realized the importance of prioritizing my own rest alongside theirs. Each of my children had unique physical and emotional needs, and I learned to tailor my approach accordingly. Respecting their developmental stages was crucial in guiding them towards independent sleep habits. Achieving restful nights took dedication and months of commitment for our whole family.  I realized I was being called to help other families through this time.